Trello vs Todoist: Which Task Management Tool to Use?

Struggling to Choose?

Are you caught in the crossroads of task management, trying to decide between two popular tools—Trello and Todoist? In today’s fast-paced world, staying organized and on top of tasks is paramount, but with numerous options available, selecting the right tool can be overwhelming. Fear not, as this comprehensive guide aims to alleviate your dilemma by providing an in-depth comparison of Trello and Todoist, empowering you to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and preferences.

In this article, we’ll delve into the functionalities, features, and unique aspects of both Trello and Todoist. Whether you’re a project manager seeking a robust platform for team collaboration or an individual striving to enhance personal productivity, we’ll explore how each tool stacks up in various aspects, from task organization and prioritization to integration capabilities and user-friendliness.

By the end of this comparison, you’ll have a clearer understanding of the strengths and limitations of Trello and Todoist, enabling you to discern which task management tool resonates best with your workflow and objectives. So, let’s embark on this journey of exploration and discovery, as we navigate the intricacies of Trello and Todoist to determine the optimal solution for your task management needs.



In the realm of task management, Trello and Todoist stand out as two formidable contenders, each offering distinct features and functionalities tailored to streamline workflows and boost productivity. Before diving into the nitty-gritty details of these platforms, let’s take a bird’s-eye view to understand their fundamental principles and how they approach task organization and collaboration.

Trello, often heralded for its visual appeal and intuitive interface, adopts a card-based system inspired by the Kanban method. At its core, Trello revolves around boards, lists, and cards, providing users with a flexible framework to organize tasks, track progress, and collaborate with team members seamlessly. Users can create custom boards for different projects or areas of focus, with each board containing lists representing various stages of workflow, such as “To-Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done.” Within these lists, tasks are represented as cards, which can be easily moved and prioritized, facilitating clear communication and efficient task management.

On the other hand, Todoist embraces a more traditional approach to task management, emphasizing simplicity and efficiency. With its minimalist design and robust feature set, Todoist enables users to create tasks, set due dates, and categorize items using labels, projects, and priority levels. Central to Todoist’s appeal is its natural language processing capabilities, allowing users to input tasks in plain text and have them automatically parsed into actionable items with relevant details. Whether you’re scheduling recurring tasks, setting reminders, or collaborating with others, Todoist offers a streamlined experience aimed at helping users stay organized and focused amidst the chaos of daily life.

To provide a clearer comparison between Trello and Todoist, let’s break down their key features and functionalities:



  1. Boards, Lists, and Cards: Flexible framework for organizing tasks and projects.
  2. Visual Interface: Intuitive drag-and-drop functionality for easy task management.
  3. Collaboration: Seamless teamwork with features like comments, attachments, and notifications.
  4. Integration: Extensive integration with third-party apps and services for enhanced productivity.
  5. Customization: Ability to customize boards, lists, and cards to suit individual preferences and workflows.


  1. Task Creation: Simple yet powerful task creation using natural language processing.
  2. Project Organization: Structured approach to organizing tasks into projects and subtasks.
  3. Priority Levels: Ability to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.
  4. Reminders and Recurring Tasks: Built-in reminders and support for recurring tasks to stay on track.
  5. Cross-Platform Accessibility: Seamless synchronization across devices for uninterrupted workflow management.


Features Comparison:

To aid in your decision-making process between Trello and Todoist, it’s essential to conduct a thorough examination of their respective features, functionalities, and capabilities. Below, we present a detailed comparison of key aspects to help you assess which task management tool aligns best with your requirements:

Feature Trello Todoist
Task Organization Uses boards, lists, and cards for visual task management. Utilizes projects, tasks, subtasks, and labels for organization.
Collaboration Allows team members to comment, attach files, and assign tasks. Supports task sharing, comments, and collaboration on shared projects.
Due Dates & Reminders Due dates can be set at the card level, with optional reminders. Provides flexible due date options and reminders for tasks.
Priority Levels Users can assign labels or use custom fields to denote task priority. Offers priority levels for tasks, allowing for easy identification of urgent items.
Integration Boasts extensive integration with third-party apps and services such as Google Drive, Slack, and Dropbox. Offers integration with popular tools like Google Calendar, Slack, and Evernote.
Mobile Accessibility Mobile app available for iOS and Android devices, enabling on-the-go task management. Mobile app accessible on iOS and Android platforms, ensuring seamless synchronization across devices.
User Interface Features an intuitive drag-and-drop interface for effortless task organization. Offers a minimalist and user-friendly interface focused on simplicity and efficiency.
Recurring Tasks Supports recurring tasks with the option to set custom recurrence patterns. Allows users to schedule recurring tasks with ease, ensuring repetitive tasks are managed efficiently.

Task Organization:

  • Trello employs a visual approach with boards, lists, and cards, offering flexibility in organizing tasks.
  • Todoist utilizes projects, tasks, subtasks, and labels to structure tasks efficiently, facilitating streamlined task management.


  • Trello enables seamless collaboration through features like comments, file attachments, and task assignments.
  • Todoist facilitates task sharing, comments, and collaboration on shared projects, fostering teamwork and communication.

Due Dates & Reminders:

  • Trello allows users to set due dates at the card level and receive optional reminders, ensuring tasks are completed on time.
  • Todoist provides flexible due date options and reminders for tasks, helping users stay organized and on track with their commitments.

Priority Levels:

  • Trello users can assign labels or use custom fields to denote task priority, facilitating prioritization and focus.
  • Todoist offers priority levels for tasks, allowing users to identify urgent items at a glance and prioritize their workload effectively.


  • Trello boasts extensive integration with third-party apps and services such as Google Drive, Slack, and Dropbox, enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency.
  • Todoist seamlessly integrates with popular tools like Google Calendar, Slack, and Evernote, enabling users to consolidate their tasks and activities across platforms.

Mobile Accessibility:

  • Both Trello and Todoist offer mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, ensuring users can manage their tasks on the go and stay productive anytime, anywhere.

User Interface:

  • Trello features an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, making it easy for users to organize tasks and visualize their workflow.
  • Todoist offers a minimalist and user-friendly interface focused on simplicity and efficiency, allowing users to focus on their tasks without distractions.

Recurring Tasks:

  • Trello supports recurring tasks with customizable recurrence patterns, enabling users to automate repetitive tasks and streamline their workflow.
  • Todoist allows users to schedule recurring tasks effortlessly, ensuring routine tasks are managed efficiently and consistently.


Cost Comparison:

When it comes to selecting a task management tool, cost considerations play a significant role in the decision-making process. Both Trello and Todoist offer various pricing plans tailored to different user needs, ranging from free options to premium subscriptions with advanced features. Let’s delve into a detailed cost comparison to help you determine the most cost-effective solution for your requirements:

Pricing Plan Trello Todoist
Free Plan Trello’s Free plan provides basic features for personal use and small teams, including unlimited boards, cards, and lists. Todoist’s Free plan offers essential task management features, including unlimited tasks, projects, and subtasks, with limited access to premium features.
Premium Plan Trello’s Premium plan costs $12.50 per user per month when billed annually, offering additional features such as unlimited integrations, advanced automation, and priority support. Todoist’s Premium plan is priced at $3 per user per month when billed annually, providing access to advanced features like labels, reminders, and productivity trends.
Business Plan Trello’s Business plan is priced at $17.50 per user per month when billed annually, catering to larger teams with features such as advanced permissions, priority support, and enhanced security. Todoist does not offer a specific business plan; however, users can upgrade to the Premium plan for advanced features and collaboration capabilities.

Free Plan:

  • Trello’s Free plan offers basic task management features suitable for personal use and small teams at no cost.
  • Todoist’s Free plan provides essential task management functionalities with limited access to premium features, making it an ideal choice for individuals or small teams on a budget.

Premium Plan:

  • Trello’s Premium plan offers advanced features such as unlimited integrations, advanced automation, and priority support for $12.50 per user per month when billed annually.
  • Todoist’s Premium plan, priced at $3 per user per month when billed annually, unlocks features like labels, reminders, and productivity trends, catering to users seeking enhanced productivity and organization capabilities at an affordable price point.

Business Plan:

  • Trello’s Business plan, priced at $17.50 per user per month when billed annually, is designed for larger teams and enterprises, offering advanced permissions, priority support, and enhanced security features.
  • Todoist does not offer a specific business plan; however, users can upgrade to the Premium plan to access advanced features and collaboration capabilities suitable for business use.


Determining the Best Options

Determining the best option between Trello and Todoist ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and priorities in task management. Both platforms offer distinct features and functionalities, catering to different use cases and user preferences. Let’s delve into various considerations to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Workflow and Task Management Preferences:
  • Trello: Ideal for users who prefer a visual approach to task management, Trello’s card-based system and intuitive interface make it easy to organize tasks, track progress, and collaborate with team members. If you thrive on visual organization and enjoy the flexibility of moving cards across boards and lists, Trello may be the perfect fit for your workflow.
  • Todoist: Suited for individuals seeking simplicity and efficiency in task management, Todoist’s minimalist design and natural language processing capabilities streamline task creation and organization. If you prioritize straightforward task management with powerful features like labels, reminders, and priority levels, Todoist might be the optimal choice for you.
  1. Collaboration and Teamwork:
  • Trello: With features like comments, file attachments, and task assignments, Trello fosters seamless collaboration and teamwork, making it ideal for project management and team collaboration. If you work in a team-oriented environment and require robust collaboration features, Trello offers the necessary tools to enhance communication and productivity.
  • Todoist: While Todoist also supports task sharing and comments on shared projects, its collaboration capabilities may not be as extensive as Trello’s. However, for individuals or small teams seeking a straightforward task management solution without complex collaboration features, Todoist provides a streamlined experience focused on personal productivity.
  1. Pricing and Affordability:
  • Trello: Trello offers a range of pricing plans, including a free tier with basic features and premium plans with advanced functionalities. While Trello’s premium plans may be more expensive than Todoist’s, they provide additional features such as unlimited integrations and advanced automation, catering to users with specific requirements and budgets.
  • Todoist: Known for its affordability, Todoist’s premium plan is priced competitively, making it accessible to individuals and small teams on a budget. If cost-effectiveness is a priority for you, Todoist’s premium plan offers excellent value for its features and functionalities.
  1. Integration and Ecosystem:
  • Trello: Boasting extensive integration with third-party apps and services such as Google Drive, Slack, and Dropbox, Trello enhances productivity by seamlessly integrating with your existing workflow tools and platforms.
  • Todoist: While Todoist also offers integration with popular tools like Google Calendar, Slack, and Evernote, its ecosystem may not be as extensive as Trello’s. However, Todoist’s integrations are sufficient for most users’ needs and contribute to a cohesive task management experience.


Tips to Save Money on Task Management Tools

Task management tools like Trello and Todoist can greatly enhance productivity, but they also come with associated costs. If you’re looking to maximize efficiency without breaking the bank, here are some tips to save money on task management tools:

  1. Utilize Free Plans: Both Trello and Todoist offer free plans with basic features that cater to individual users and small teams. Take advantage of these free plans to get started with task management without incurring any costs. Evaluate the essential features offered in the free plans and assess if they meet your immediate needs before considering an upgrade to a paid plan.
  1. Compare Pricing Plans: Before committing to a paid subscription, compare the pricing plans of different task management tools, including Trello and Todoist. Consider factors such as the features included, pricing tiers, and value for money. Look for promotions or discounts offered by the providers, especially during special events or holidays, to secure a better deal on your subscription.
  1. Opt for Annual Billing: Many task management tools offer discounts for annual subscriptions compared to monthly billing. If you’re confident in your long-term usage of the tool, opt for an annual subscription to enjoy significant savings over time. While the upfront cost may be higher, the overall savings can be substantial compared to paying on a monthly basis.
  1. Evaluate Your Needs: Assess your specific task management requirements and prioritize features that are essential for your workflow. Identify the core functionalities you need to stay organized and productive, and choose a tool that offers those features at a reasonable price. Avoid paying for advanced features that you may not use regularly, as they can inflate the cost unnecessarily.
  1. Take Advantage of Discounts: Keep an eye out for discounts, promotions, or referral programs offered by task management tool providers. Many companies offer special deals for new customers or provide discounts for referrals, which can help you save money on your subscription. Subscribe to newsletters or follow the providers on social media to stay informed about upcoming discounts or special offers.
  1. Consider Alternatives: Explore alternative task management tools that offer similar features at lower costs or even for free. Research lesser-known tools or open-source software that may meet your needs without the hefty price tag. While Trello and Todoist are popular choices, there are numerous alternatives available that could provide a more cost-effective solution for your task management requirements.
  1. Negotiate with Providers: Don’t hesitate to reach out to task management tool providers and inquire about discounts or custom pricing options. Many companies are willing to negotiate with customers, especially for larger teams or enterprise-level subscriptions. Highlight your specific needs and budget constraints to see if the provider can offer a more tailored pricing plan that fits your requirements.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Trello and Todoist

  1. What is Trello and Todoist? Trello is a popular task management tool that utilizes a visual, card-based system to help users organize tasks, track progress, and collaborate with team members effectively. Todoist, on the other hand, is a minimalist task management app that focuses on simplicity and efficiency, allowing users to create, organize, and prioritize tasks with ease.
  1. How do Trello and Todoist differ in terms of pricing? Trello offers a range of pricing plans, including a free tier with basic features and premium plans with advanced functionalities. Pricing starts at $12.50 per user per month for the Premium plan. Todoist also offers a free plan with essential features and a Premium plan priced at $3 per user per month. Both platforms provide options for annual billing and discounts for larger teams or organizations.
  1. Can Trello and Todoist be used for personal and professional purposes? Yes, both Trello and Todoist are versatile tools that can be used for personal task management as well as professional project collaboration. Whether you’re organizing personal to-do lists, managing household chores, or coordinating team projects at work, Trello and Todoist offer features and functionalities suitable for various use cases.
  1. What are some key features of Trello and Todoist? Trello features a visual interface with boards, lists, and cards, making it easy to visualize tasks and track progress. It offers features like collaboration tools, integrations with third-party apps, and customization options. Todoist, on the other hand, focuses on simplicity and efficiency, with features such as natural language processing for task creation, priority levels, and cross-platform accessibility.
  1. How do Trello and Todoist support collaboration and teamwork? Trello facilitates collaboration through features like comments, file attachments, and task assignments, allowing team members to communicate and coordinate effectively. Todoist supports task sharing, comments, and collaboration on shared projects, enabling users to work together seamlessly on tasks and projects.
  1. Can Trello and Todoist be integrated with other apps and services? Yes, both Trello and Todoist offer integration with a wide range of third-party apps and services, allowing users to streamline their workflows and enhance productivity. Trello integrates with platforms like Google Drive, Slack, and Dropbox, while Todoist offers integration with tools like Google Calendar, Slack, and Evernote.
  1. Are there mobile apps available for Trello and Todoist? Yes, Trello and Todoist provide mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling users to manage their tasks and projects on the go. The mobile apps offer full synchronization with the web-based versions, allowing users to access their tasks from anywhere and stay productive while away from their computers.


Key Takeaways

  1. Understanding Your Needs: Before choosing between Trello and Todoist, it’s essential to assess your specific task management requirements. Consider factors such as your workflow preferences, collaboration needs, and budget constraints to determine which platform aligns best with your needs and objectives.
  2. Visual vs. Minimalist Approach: Trello adopts a visual, card-based approach to task management, allowing users to organize tasks and track progress with ease. Todoist, on the other hand, focuses on simplicity and efficiency, offering a minimalist design and powerful features like natural language processing for task creation.
  3. Collaboration and Teamwork: Both Trello and Todoist support collaboration and teamwork, albeit in different ways. Trello facilitates seamless collaboration through features like comments, file attachments, and task assignments, while Todoist enables task sharing, comments, and collaboration on shared projects.
  4. Cost Considerations: When comparing Trello and Todoist, it’s essential to consider the pricing plans and affordability of each platform. While Trello offers a range of pricing plans with advanced features, Todoist provides a competitive pricing structure with a focus on simplicity and value for money.
  5. Flexibility and Integration: Both Trello and Todoist offer flexibility and integration with third-party apps and services, enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency. Whether you require extensive integration capabilities (Trello) or seamless synchronization across platforms (Todoist), assessing the flexibility and integration options can help you make an informed decision.



In the dynamic landscape of task management, the choice between Trello and Todoist represents a pivotal decision that can significantly impact productivity and organization. As we conclude our exploration of these two leading task management tools, it becomes evident that each platform offers unique strengths and capabilities tailored to diverse user preferences and needs.

For those who thrive on visual organization and collaboration, Trello stands out as an intuitive and visually appealing solution. Its card-based system, extensive integration options, and robust collaboration features make it an ideal choice for teams and individuals seeking a flexible and customizable task management solution.

On the other hand, Todoist excels in simplicity and efficiency, offering a minimalist interface and powerful features like natural language processing for task creation. With its focus on streamlined task management and cross-platform accessibility, Todoist appeals to users who prioritize straightforward organization and productivity.

Ultimately, the decision between Trello and Todoist hinges on factors such as workflow preferences, collaboration requirements, and budget considerations. By carefully evaluating these aspects and considering the key takeaways highlighted in our comparison, users can make an informed choice that optimizes their task management experience and enhances their productivity in the long run. Whether you gravitate towards Trello’s visual appeal or Todoist’s simplicity, both platforms offer valuable tools to empower users in managing tasks and achieving their goals efficiently.


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